Think about all of the people we call champions throughout history.
Wouldn’t you say they’re all pretty hard workers?
I’d say so.
Hard work wasn’t the only thing that got them that title.
They also knew what things to focus on and what things were a waste of time.
This is how they got to the top of their sport.
But this also raises the
Was it how hard they worked or was it the way they went about it?
I’ve talked about it many times before.
Working smarter is always going to be better than working harder.
“If someone wants to see a
sunset, and they head east, I don’t give a damn how fast or how far they run east, they will never see a sunset until they become educated and realize that they need to head west.”
Tony Robbins said that.
Wise man.
Everyone wants to look like a
Tons of people are trying to burn their stubborn fat so they can do just that.
And yet, most of them don’t make any progress.
I know how frustrating it can be, because I tried for years to get my body into the best shape possible.
And I just couldn’t make it happen.
But then I started doing things the RIGHT way.
Which is this
It’s not going to be easy but you
don’t have to kill yourself to get your champion body.
But you’re going to have to focus on the right things to get there.
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