There are those who don't understand what internet marketing actually is.
And these people tend to look down on what we do.
My lovely aunt, bless her heart, once called my internet business my "little thing".
Let's just say she started seeing it differently when it single-handedly funded the family Disneyland trip the following year.
She didn't think it was so little when I was able to get a new car and prosperity was clearly shining on everyone.
My point is...
People who choose to be ignorant about internet marketing tend to have a negative outlook about it.
Keep working on your "little thing" because someday it isn't going to be so little anymore.
And just watch as their faces change from judgment to disbelief as the
fruits of your labor become impossible to recognize.
Turn your little thing.
Into a BIG thing!
Boost your revenue.
It worked for me.
And I'd love for you to experience those same results.
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