Published: Fri, 11/01/24
Updated: Fri, 11/01/24
You ever heard of little kids get the saying: “Oh honey, you’re just “big-boned.” What on earth does that mean?! You’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t…
Published: Thu, 10/31/24
Updated: Thu, 10/31/24
Ever watch that show? The Biggest Loser?It used to be, and still is, a hit TV show. So many people want to be on the show, because they believe that…
Published: Wed, 10/30/24
Updated: Wed, 10/30/24
Did you know that you’re special? No! Not that kind of special silly. What I mean is that you have an unfair advantage over everyone else who’s trying…
Published: Tue, 10/29/24
Updated: Tue, 10/29/24
Okay I have to admit. Normally, i’m not a fan of tooting my own horn. But screw that! I absolutely LOVE my lean, healthy and vibrant body! I love to…
Published: Mon, 10/28/24
Updated: Mon, 10/28/24
Most people in this world are full of their own e cuses. It’s the truth! Then they wonder why they are still looking the way that they’ve always…
Published: Sun, 10/27/24
Updated: Sun, 10/27/24
Your ultimate physique is a lot closer than you think. It’s around the corner. And as long as you take the right approach, it will be yours forever.
Published: Sat, 10/26/24
Updated: Sat, 10/26/24
If you want a better body, it really doesn’t require too, many things to make a change. However, one thing that does seem to work very well is to…
Published: Fri, 10/25/24
Updated: Fri, 10/25/24
Do you want to know my BIGGEST regret? Of all time? Okay, but seriously, i’ll get to the point. It’s not focusing on my health, well-being and…
Published: Thu, 10/24/24
Updated: Thu, 10/24/24
Quite an interesting acronym for the word focus, don’t you think. In reality, this is e actly what focus entails. Simply following one course until…
Published: Wed, 10/23/24
Updated: Wed, 10/23/24
On your journey to achieving your ultimate body, health and fitness, a time may come where you’re just overwhelmed with confusion. Literally, you’re…