Don’t get me wrong.
Water is the most vital element that we have on the planet.
Next to oxygen, of course.
And seeing as to how the body is just about 90% water, it wouldn’t be far off to think that drinking more water could be the answer to us being healthy and achieving our fitness goals.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Indeed, it is important.
Indeed it can be the answer to our
fitness goals.
However, it is partially the answer.
There is much more at play and working in tandem with our water intake to help us succeed.
Regardless if our goal is to put on weight, cast off a few pounds or get a beach body for the summer.
The recommended water intake is a minim of 8 glasses or 64 ounces per day.
That should be the minimum as far as water consumption.
If you haven’t already, adopt this healthy habit as soon as you can.
But THIS is what you should be doing along with it
I’ll be honest.
On most days, I get adequate water intake.
And on other days, i’m dried out like a dang
But it seems that as long as I stick with this plan, I don’t experience any cazy side effects…
And I still continue to stay healthy, fit, and hit my physique goals.
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