When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he was only successful for one reason.
He didn’t give up.
He also understood one, key
You ALWAYS have to keep the goal in mind.
No matter what it is that you’re trying to accomplish.
He knew that if he could get the lightbulb to work, it would change the world.
It’s been estimated
that he failed over 1,000 times.
Imagine if he had listened to all of those people who thought he was crazy.
Or gave up every time he was frustrated.
He held his ground, because he believed in his goal and in his ability to accomplish it.
And then he did just that.
If you want to be the healthiest version of yourself, then stop whatever you’re doing right now.
And visualize what you want your body to look like.
Really imagine it.
Maybe you want little to no fat on your body or really toned muscles.
Whatever your dream body looks like, hold it in your mind and realize how good it feels.
If you find yourself doubting your
ability to succeed, just remember that picture in your mind.
Keep going back to it as many times as you need to fuel your fire.
This mental picture is NECESSARY for your success and motivation to stay on track.
Every artist needs their brushes and some canvas to take the image in
their head and make it a reality.
You’re going to need some tools to get you there.
And here’s where you can get those.
For YOUR Success!
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