You've probably heard of a fool's game.
A lot of things could be considered a fool's game.
But here's a perfect example I'm sure a lot of us are familiar with.
Trading your time for your income.
I think you know what I'm talking about.
But I'll come right out and tell you...
Your 9 to 5
job is a fool's game.
There isn't a better way to cap your earning potential than to take a 9 to 5 job.
A lot of us probably feel like we don't have a choice.
We're taught that the typical 9 to 5 is the most reliable way to put food on the table.
But don't let that be the final say.
Even if you're feeling stuck in that job for now, do something consistently in your off time.
And eventually you will be able to replace your "traditional" 9 to 5 income.
Start your internet marketing business as a side hustle if you have to.
Don't stay stuck.
I assume you already know this.
Because why else would you be reading my emails?
You know you just have to get started.
So do it.
I know I'm probably overdoing it with the pep talk.
But I just really, really care about your success.
Check this out.
I think it will help you create a job-replacing income.
I'd say it is one of the most important things you could do.
It's not
just hype and "fluff".
It is going to help you succeed.
For real.
For YOUR Success!
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