No pain, no gain.
Everyone has two motivations in life.
Pain or
The level of success we achieve is going to be decided by how we use both to make decisions.
Some of us gravitate more towards pain, while others gravitate towards pleasure by default.
I got started on my health journey because I was motivated by the
Pain takes lots of different forms and can be different for everyone.
For some, pain looks like peers calling them names like “fatso” or making cruel jokes.
For others, pain is when they look in the mirror and don’t like what they see.
That’s what happened to me.
I had a realization.
I was fat.
There was no point in lying to myself.
I had to take accountability for what I saw in the mirror and the
choice that I had made to get to that point.
I wasted a lot of time because I was looking for information in all the wrong places.
Truth is, there is TONS of misleading information in the health & fitness industry.
But, I finally struck GOLD.
I finally found something that allowed me to take control of my life and design the body of my dreams.
It wasn’t always easy.
But I got it done.
And you can too.
For YOUR Success!
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