As promised, here is your gift! I'd love to hear back from you once you've read it.
free to pass this gift on, too. You'll know why when you get into it.
When you get my email, make sure it always goes to your Inbox and please reply
to this email so I know we are good to go. You don't want to miss anything.
The first step is just getting started and you’re already on your way!
And to be
honest with you, most people don’t dare to take that first step.
So before anything else, you should take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back.
Really let it sink in.
You’re doing something that most people won’t do.
And that is why they can’t make progress…
Waking up dissatisfied in their body every day for weeks, months…
And for some, even YEARS.
I know we just met, but I can already tell that there is something different about
You have a fire in you that doesn’t come by very often.
I can tell you’re fed up with your body and are ready to do whatever it takes to reach your goal.
You’re sick and tired of the areas of stubborn fat that won’t budge.
Especially the belly fat.
You’re sick and tired of not turning heads when you’re out in public.
There might be more things that you’re sick and tired of.
But mostly, you’re ready for change.
It’s not an accident that you’re reading this email right now.
Anything but!
It is your destiny to have the body of your dreams!
Everything is falling into place now,
This journey started with
your courage to take the first step.
And it continues here
Your FREE Gift is attached! Reply with "#NEXT" and make sure my emails are a priority in your Inbox!
For YOUR Success!
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Let us show you how to capitalize on your email.
Your Wins With Mike Team
P.S. Look for my future emails because they will contain the tips and motivation you need to be successful in your health and fitness journey!