Happy Sunday... :)
Hope you're doing well and getting some quality time with the friends and family.
I'll make today's e-mail short as to let you get back to your weekend fun soon. :)
I've shared this lesson before, but want to share it again, as it's crazy simple, but'll also almost immediately bump up your
bottom line.
So, I've got a quick question (and a valuable Marketing lesson) for you.
Are you e-mailing your list on Sundays?
One lesson that I've shared with all of my students is the importance of daily live broadcast e-mails.
When it comes to making profits with an e-mail list, there's NOTHING more powerful
and simply than daily live broadcasts for revenue creation (2 e-mails per day is even better).
Having said that, most people get hesitant about sending so often, as they think they'll annoy people and piss off their subscribers off.
Don't make that mistake.
Understand that only about 10-20% of your list
will open each message, and it'll usually be a different 10-20% each day.
So in order to engage your list as a whole, you NEED to mail often.
If you don't, your engagement will drop
and your e-mail lists responsiveness will suffer.
And that brings us to today's topic.
That being: Sunday e-mails.
Here's the bottom line.
If you're not mailing on Sundays,
you're leaving SERIOUS money on the table.
Period, end of story.
See, when you aren't mailing, none of your competitors are either, meaning that your subscriber's e-mail inbox is
completely empty.
No matter what offer you're promoting.
When you mail on Sundays, you'll get higher opens, and more clicks, which in the end, means more profits.
Take advantage of the fact that everyone else is resting, and get your hustle on. It pays off every-time.