Besides the people that you hang around, there is one, HUGE factor that could make or break your success.
It’s your environment.
You truly are a product of your environment.
And whatever tone your environment is set to, that is correlated with the results that you produce.
This means a couple things.
If you’ve set a goal to be healthy, lean down and tone your body so that you can look good, then you probably don’t want to be hanging around McDonalds.
And it probably would be a smart idea to keep cupcakes in the
You will have to make some sacrifices to get your environment in an atmosphere that will only deliver you the results that you are after.
If it means ordering a total gym, bowflex or a treadmill, so that you can make sure you’re getting your regular exercise in, then you have to do what it takes.
The biggest challenge will come with facing your habits
that pull you from your goal.
Once you find what may be sabotaging your success towards your body weight and fitness goals, you want to get rid of it, but you also want to replace it with healthy habits.
Habits that will keep you on track and pull you in the direction in which you want to go.
But first, you must become educated on the right things so that you know
what habits to develop.
And just as this helped me make a dramatic change in my life…
It will certainly help you too
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