We hear all the time about these crazy, detox diets that people go on.
Well, I probably shouldn’t call them crazy.
Detox diets do serve a purpose.
I am not debating that one bit.
But they are a bit close to extreme measures.
And we really don’t have to take things that far…
As long as we have a full understanding about what affects our bodies, and how to work with it to change it however we’d like.
This is the problem.
Most of us don’t have the knowledge to allow our bodies to change.
So, we revert back to methods that deal with quite a bit of force.
A detox diet is one of these tools that are used and if it is used improperly, it
can backfire.
Eventually, after trying too many things and it backfires on us, we get to a state of confusion.
We simply don’t know what to do.
But confusion is good.
Because it is that state…
All you need is to know exactly what to do, and how to do it.
That is how you get your health back and hold on to it.
That is how you get your best body.
Don’t believe me?
See for
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