Ever hear of the 80/20 principle?
There was actually a book written on
the subject.
Here’s what it entails…
When we are on the path to achieve things in
life, essentially 80% of our results are based on 20% of our efforts.
Most people have this flipped.
This is why there are so many people in today’s day and age working harder and getting very little to no results.
Then, you have some people who have the bright idea of working smarter and they get extraordinary results.
Achieving your best body are the results that you want.
But it is based on specific actions that need to be
These aren’t actions that are not only proven to work and get you the results that you’re after.
But they are also the actions that allow you to do very little and minimal effort to get maximum results.
It’s like every car company.
The way they test their cars for gas mileage, is they want very minimal input for maximum output.
This is the mindset that you need to adopt if you ever want to achieve that lean, healthy, fit and vibrant
physique that you’ve always wanted.
It starts with cutting out the 80% of things that doesn’t work…
And focusing on the 20% that DOES
And THIS is that
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