You often hear this talk in the health and fitness industry about calories in vs calories out.
If we think about it, it actually makes sense.
The science behind it states that as long as you burn more calories than what are being consumed, it puts your body in a caloric deficit and this is when weight loss occurs.
And vice versa.
When you consume more calories than what is being burned, you will put your body in a caloric surplus
and this is when you gain weight.
But do we REALLY have to give this much attention to counting calories in all of the foods that we consume?
I think it’s absurd.
And while most people may disagree with me, it is just my opinion and truth be told, I got the BEST results when I wasn’t counting my calories.
And to add to that, it was one less thing I needed to worry about.
A plan to lose weight and get in shape should be easy to follow and stick
It shouldn’t be complicated, because this is when stress levels increase.
tend to look at mother nature for all the answers.
Does a lion have to count it’s calories?
How about a gorilla?
No, they don’t and neither should we.
However, it still remains true that if we consume too many calories, we will put on weight.
But there is a way to never count calories, and still sculpt and tone your body to any physique that you’d like.
And here’s the method
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