You ever heard of little kids get the saying:
“Oh honey, you’re just
What on earth does that mean?!
You’ve got to be kidding
I don’t mean to step on any toes, but that truly is a cop out.
That kid needs
some tough love.
And it was trying to make its way in through the verbal abuse from their friends, but the parents shut it down.
And I totally get that, and which they should.
The parents are to console kids when they happen to be getting picked on at school.
But they are also there to encourage the kids to stand up for themselves and do something about it.
This is where the tough love comes in.
Not sure where your body is at, but if you are
overweight or consider yourself fat, then you will have people patting your back telling you it is okay.
These people will only keep you where you are.
But if you run into someone, like me, I’m not going to tell you that you’re fat to your face…
I would never do that.
But I would tell you that you need to be real with yourself, take a look in the mirror and accept yourself for where you’re at and realize that you need to make a change.
It is much more constructive that way.
And here’s how you
can make that change
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