old friend of mine had a job that he was very content with.
That is, until the Spring of 2007.
Everything was going great.
He knew that he could count on his paycheck and he was able to manage his budget while including vacations and other nice
The rug was snatched from right underneath him.
Happiness is relative.
It all comes down to the lens through which you perceive things.
Something that feels like the worst thing ever can actually be a huge blessing.
My buddy got a reality check.
He realized that a typical job isn't sustainable.
Nor is it a reliable source of income.
So he decided to make a change.
He came across a business system where he found everything he was looking for.
Financial freedom.
Work-life balance.
He can control his entire business and leverage the full power of the internet to maximize his income opportunities.
All while knowing he's not
going to get the rug yanked out from underneath him.
He found all of those things!
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