Do you want to look back at this time in your life and be
able to say that you made it?
Then you need to listen to what I'm about to tell you.
You MUST tell people about your goals.
Tell your mom.
Tell your neighbor.
Tell your dog if he'll listen.
Shout it from the rooftops!
Say it with your whole chest.
1. It will show you very quickly who does not support you
You've heard the saying.
"Misery loves company."
A lot of times, people will try to drag you down for even mentioning the idea of taking life into your own hands.
People want to stay stagnant.
They want to make excuses as to why their life is not going differently.
If you are the one to break the cycle, they no longer have that excuse.
This thinking is contagious, but you can't let it get to you.
These people will not help you on your journey.
It is best to let them go.
2. Once you tell people your goals, you will be accountable to making them happen.
No one wants to be labeled as "The Person Who Gave Up".
Once you start, it's really hard to stop.
So will you make me a promise?
Promise me that you won't quit.
Promise you'll do everything in your power to accomplish your goals.
I thought so.
Now, take a look at this.
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To YOUR Success,
Michael Forsberg
Bloom Where You Are Planted ~ Start Now!
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As you begin to hold
thoughts of prosperity and begin thinking of yourself
as a very wealthy, prosperous individual who is
surrounded by an ocean of thought energy, swimming
in a sea of plenty, your body and mind will instantly
move into a prosperous vibration and you will begin
to attract—just like a magnet—everything necessary
for you to become wealthy.
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