I am very happy.
I am happy because you open and read my emails
Even though the average inbox receives approximately 140 emails per day
You still continue to open mine.
That means that you are getting value out of them and I appreciate that
My goal is to deliver actionable, valuable content to help you in the right direction.
That's it.
I won't ever slam you with promotion after promotion.
I sometimes even risk my own money to purchase other products so that I can test them.
If they are worthy, I recommend them to you.
For me to recommend something to you, it MUST WORK! A lot of marketers just send whatever stuff they can get their hands on.
They have never even tested the product they send you.
They only see you as a walking dollar sign.
But that is NOT how things should be.
What sets me apart from the rest is that I have your best interests at heart.
If I get commissions from the promotions I do - awesome!
It's a byproduct of me providing unadulterated, VALUABLE content to you.
I am very selective with products and services.
Not everything gets my stamp of approval.
Really delve into this one.
They pay off will be everything, trust me.